Here are a few ideas if your creative juices are otherwise engaged. Pick out a good tavern name, bonus points if contains a pun. This isn't the place to get creative - just anchor your players in a setting they can imagine and build from there. Want to make it even more memorable? I have some ideas for you.
It ramps the difficulty up nice and slow, introduces role playing elements early, has a nice town with a healthy supply of NPCs and side quest plot hooks, a mid-level boss and mini dungeon ( Glasstaff & Tresendar Manor), and a Big Bad Guy with a full dungeon ( Black Spider & Wave Echo Cave). Included in included in the D&D Starter Set, it has just about everything you need in a good campaign, and sets you up nicely to transition into something else when it's done. The Lost Mine of Phandelver is a great starter adventure, whether you're brand-new DM or have been rolling 20s since the 80s.